Eight-Treasure Stuffed Duck

Eight-Treasure Stuffed Duck has a place in Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Shanghai cuisine. However, according to the "Royal Dietary Records of Every Meal in Jiangnan" written during Emperor Qianlong’s southern tour in his 30th year of reign, the stuffed duck originated in Jiangsu Province, and it is a famous traditional dish in Nanjing and Suzhou. The key to cooking the Eight-Treasure Stuffed Duck is to remove its bones, while keeping the skin intact. After removing the bones, the belly of the duck is filled with eight kinds of stuffing, including abalone, sea cucumber, ham, and mushroom, then use green onion to tie the duck into the shape of a gourd. After cooking, the duck meat becomes tender with fragrant glutinous rice and savory abalone. A mouthful of the stuffing gives you the salty taste and umami, with rich layers of texture and flavor.
