Yangzhou Fried Rice 扬州炒饭

Yangzhou fried rice, a staple food that has been circulating in Jiangsu Province for thousands of years, is still deeply loved by Jiangsu people and often appears in the daily meals of Jiangsu people.

Yangzhou Fried Rice 扬州炒饭

As for its history, Yangzhou fried rice can be traced back to more than a thousand years ago. It is said that the emperor of the time liked to eat a kind of “broken golden rice” stir-fried with rice, and when he went to Jiangdu (present Yangzhou) to inspect it, he also brought the “broken golden rice” there.

Yangzhou has a unique Huaiyang cuisine”, which pays attention to “rigorous selection, fine production, exquisite processing, emphasis on color matching and original taste”. Therefore, the chefs of Yangzhou have the “broken golden rice” and the characteristics of “Huaiyang cuisine” combined to make the “Yangzhou fried rice” that has been well-known for thousands of years.

The main ingredients of Yangzhou fried rice are: rice, green beans, cucumber, sausage, shrimp, carrot cubes, corns, egg, chives, etc. Qualified Yangzhou fried rice  is crystal clear and bright in form and the particles are clearly demarcated; in color, red, green, yellow, white and orange serve as a foil to each other, thus makes it lively and harmonious; in taste, it is neither too soft nor too hard and owns both salty delicacy and faint saint.

In recent years, Yangzhou flavor restaurants in Europe, America, Japan, Hong Kong and other places have been selling this delicious food, and the innovative varieties are more numerous, and the flavors are more diverse, which makes it quite popular.