Su-Style Pastry 苏式糕点

Pastry in Suzhou of Jiangsu Province is the main representative for Su-style Pastry. The fillings are mostly nuts and diced pork fat. Meanwhile,sweet-scented osmanthus and rose are used for flavoring. Su-style pastry plays an important role in the development history of traditional Chinese pastry, which is one of the main types of traditional pastries in China.

The Su-style pastry makes full use of the local resources, such as bright-colored and rich-scented roses, osmantus and orange peel, which are marinated and processed to become color-and flavour-added ingredients for Su-style pastries.

The Su-style pastry is also unique in terms of craftsmanship,which uses an ideal and special method of loosening. For example, Su-style moon cakes whose fillings are fat but not greasy have a beautiful skin color and a crispy texture.

Su-style cakes have their seasonal varieties which are wine cakes, snow cakes, etc in Spring, mint cakes, mung bean cakes, etc. in Summer, ruyi best wishes) crispy cake, hrysanthemum-flavor cripy cake ,crispy moon cake, tc in Autumn, and sesame crispy sugar, lard and rice candy, etc in Winter when they meet four seasons and eight solar terms.

Another characteristic of Su-style pastry is that it is produced in hot stove and sold on the spot. The salty moon cakes in Su-style moon cakes include fresh meat, onion lard, ham lard, etc. They have different flavors because hot pastry is soft, fat, and crispy. It’s different from the rest in the of operation, which is sold right after being made in hot stove.

The Su-style Pastry with the above characteristics is the wisdom of laboring people of all ages, Which is also a treasure in the treasury of Chinese food culture.