The Making Skill of Suzhou Opera Costume and Stage Property

The costume and stage property are essential supplies for drama performance, as they can not only reflect the actor’s role and individual characteristics, but can also beautify the stage, make the opera story stand out and pile up atmosphere, realizing the function to enhance the stage effect.

The making skill of Suzhou opera costume and stage property can date back to the middle period of the Ming Dynasty and it was produced by accompanying the most elegant “Kun Opera” in the southern opera of northern tone then. It has had an indissoluble bond with opera for almost five hundred years  from “costumes” are necessary for performance to the production and development of the costume and stage property industry.

Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, Suzhou embroidery has been famous both at home and abroad owing to its sophisticated skill, so the making of Suzhou costume and stage property has owned the incomparable advantage to other areas nationwide. In the 1930’s, all their costumes for the top four actors Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Xun Huisheng and Shang Xiaoyun who were the most famous in the Peking Opera community then were all customized in Suzhou.

Suzhou costume and stage property have a complete range, rich types, particular patterns, elegant colors, fine craftsmanship and refined making. Currently, only in Suzhou the making for six great categories in more than 1,000 types including costume, helmet hat, boots and shoes,sword and spear, oral surface and headwear etc. can be maintained nationwide.

Taking the embroidered python robe, its making working procedures are 28 classified into five categories including cutting material, painting, color combination, embroidery and combination.

The costume and stage property contain very profound historic and culture deposits, as it melts various cultural and artistic elements in terms of fine arts, embroidery, color and history etc., combines multiple craftsmanship and skills including shaping, printing & painting, sewing and tanning, and has been formed as a particular and systematic handmade skill.