Changzhou Yinggui Steamed Bun Shop 常州迎桂馒头店

With a history of one hundred years already, Changzhou Yinggui Steamed Bun Shop is a featured shop exclusive for local snacks in Changzhou. Firstly built in Emperor Daoguang Period in the Qing Dynasty, this shop steamed 12 buns in each steamer then, which were very small, exquisite and particular.

After coming out of the steamer, the crab oil on buns is golden and twinkling, the peel is as white as jade, its taste is fat but not greasy with delicious juice flowing, the peel is thin but strong and refreshing, the buns taste better when matched with vinegar and shredded ginger, so it is a traditional local snack of long standing.

When eating the steamed small meat dumpling, firstly put it into the small plate of vinegar and dip some vinegar, then hold it with chopsticks, bite the bottom peel, suck the delicious sauce with care, then dip the open dumpling into vinegar to make it enter the dumpling, and finally put the whole dumpling into the mouth.

The steamed small buns with crab roe are full of sauce, emitting very nice crab roe smell with very delicious taste, so they are delicacy of the world.