Yancheng Coastal Wetland Tourism Resort 盐城沿海湿地旅游度假区

Yancheng coastal wetland (Jiangsu Yancheng Reserve) is located in the Jianghuai Plain, the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. With a coastline of 582 kilometers, the vast muddy tidal flats form the largest tidal flat wetland along the coast of China, gestating a large number of organisms, ensuring the migration of millions of water animals, and meeting the wintering safety of endangered species such as red-crowned cranes.

Yancheng wetland along the beach in Jiangsu is the first coastal wetland nature reserve in China. Because of its unique geological and geographical conditions, there are more than 2,600 species of animals and plants. If you want to see the wild red-crowned cranes, you can come to Yancheng National Rare Bird Reserve in winter.

Among them, the Chinese Elk Park is the only national 5A-level tourist attraction with the theme of “wetland ecology and elk culture” in the world, and it is also the world’s first wild elk park with the largest area and population. The Yancheng Red-crowned Crane Wetland Ecological Tourist Area, also known as the Yancheng National Rare Birds Nature Reserve in Jiangsu, is the largest wintering place for wild red-crowned cranes in the world.