Embrace the Beautiful Spring in the Nanshan Mountain

With the fragrance of flowers rippling your heart and the gentle breeze caressing your face, the Nanshan Mountain of Zhenjiang is right here waiting to amaze you with the splendor of spring on a bright April day.

Take in a lungful of sweet mountain air and watch the trees blooming with flowers. Let the breeze bring down a shower of apricot petals and touch the surface of the waters here around Nanshan Mountain. As the long-lost turquoise returns beneath the rippling sparkling crystals, the view is just fascinating. Here, you can experience the charm of spring: the jingle of flowing water, the tranquility of weather-worn rocks, and the echo as the breeze ruffles through the leaves, etc.

So, let’s explore the Nanshan Mountain and feel the spring here. You may find your bosom friend over a steaming cup of local tea and get spellbound by the ethereal realm of mountains and fields where man and nature are one.

Source: Zhenjiang Cultural Tourism Industry Group Co. Ltd.