Huaiyang Cuisine 淮扬菜

Chinese cuisine culture is extensiveness and profoundness. The main representative of the Han people is Eight Famous Cuisines. Huaiyang Cuisine in the south area of Jiangsu is just one of them, which has the fame of “The most delicious in the southeast and the world” in the long history.

Huaiyang Cuisine 淮扬菜

In the south area of Jiangsu, there are many rivers and lake. Throughout the year, the food such as aquatic products, birds, vegetables are rich in quantity. So the raw materials of Huaiyang Cuisine are mainly aquatic products. The selection of materials is rigorous, especially focusing on the freshness.

Huaiyang Cuisine has a large variety of dishes and a large system. The dishes are delicate and elegant. In the aspect of shape, it pays attention to slicing technique. The melon carving technique is especially known to the world. In the aspect of cooking, it pays attention to heat control. It is expert in braising, stewing, simmer, warming, steaming, roasting and frying. The taste pursuits a sense of clarity and peace, and the flavour is mild in salt and sweet.

Huaiyang Cuisine 淮扬菜

Huaiyang Cuisine is always popular among Chinese people. Most importantly, it is the cuisine served in the Founding Ceremony of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the 50th Anniversary Banquet of the People’s Republic of China in 1999, the State Banquet for the President of the United States George Bush in 2002, etc.

Today Huaiyang Cuisine becomes more and more popular from the banquet to the restaruant on the street, to the westerns countries. As long as there are Chinese people, Huaiyang Cuisine exists. Nowadays, it is gradually loved by people all over the world.