Yan Chun Restaurant In Zhenjiang 镇江宴春酒楼

If you ask a local people in Zhenjiang about the first meal for a visitor, you will always get an answer of “Yan Chun Restaurant”.

With more than 120-year history, Yan Chun Restaurant in Zhenjiang founded in 1890 is famous for its special breakfast and cuisines of Zhenjiang, such as Pork Trotter Aspic Jiangsu Style and Crab Dumplings in Soup.

Pork Trotter Aspic Jiangsu Style (named as Zhenjiang Yao meat commonly) of more than 300-year history is the only one that belongs to Zhenjiang among famous dishes in Huaiyang cuisines.

Pot Cover Noodles, also called as Zhenjiang Xiaodao Noodles, is one of the most ten famous noodles in China and is regarded as the “Top One Noodles In Jiangnan”. Pot Cover Noodles, a local traditional cuisine, is popular for both young and old people because of its moderate hardness and flexibility.

Raised Shredded Chicken with Ham and Dried tofu, a famous Huaiyang cuisine, has become world-renowned in the Qing Emperor Qianlong period. In summer, people often cook it with eel shreds to make it dry and crispy.