Xinghua City Zheng Banqiao · Fan Zhongyan Memorial Hall 兴化市郑板桥·范仲淹纪念馆

Xinghua City Zheng Banqiao Memorial Hall, together with Shi Nai’an Memorial Hall and Fan Zhongyan Memorial Hall are under integrated office operation as a state designated Grade III museum, a Grade AAAA scenic area, a provincial cultural relic protection site and also the patriotism education base of Jiangsu Province.

Zheng Banqiao · Fan Zhongyan Memorial Hall is composed of 6 fixed display sections including “ The Extraordinary Three Talents — Zheng Banqiao”, “Long Flow of Chu River — Xinghua Brief History Display” and “ Fan Zhongyan Memorial Hall”, 2 temporary display halls, Jiangsu Province cultural relic protection site Liyuan Garden, Xinghua County Department, Sipai Tower, East Street Ancient Building Group and Sipai Tower Culture Plaza in the city.

In the hall, Long Flow of Chu River — Xinghua Brief History Display Hall is built specially, introducing the several thousand years of historical and cultural remains for Xinghua City and displaying a great batch of collected valuable cultural relics. It is also built with the special display halls for the representative of Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics Zheng Banqiao, the author of the masterpiece Water Margin, the literary master Shi Nai’an and our national famous politician and litterateur Shi Nai’an to display their life stories, art and literature achievements as well as their historical contributions to the fullest.

Add: 2, Pailou North Road, Zhaoyang Town, Xinghua City, Taizhou City